Latin Choir Brisbane
We socialise through singing
Nos socializamos através do/del canto
"Somos Latinas cantantes
Que nos juntamos los Martes,
Para cantar a la vida
Con vino y con alegria!"
The Latin Choir Brisbane started with a group of women from diverse cultural backgrounds that are passionate about Latin American music. Our repertoire includes songs from various rhythms, languages, countries and times, representing the multiplicity of the Latin American culture.
The choir is compound by amateur singers who value the joy of singing together and is conducted by Ricardo Bona and Tania, music educators and professional musicians who bring an array of techniques and arrangements to enrich our repertoire.
In our weekly rehearsals, we practice the songs, develop vocal and musical abilities, and deepen our understanding of the Latin American culture and language. As part of our choir experience, at the end of each term, we organise a presentation to a selected audience of friends (and friends of friends) and families.
The rehearsals are also an opportunity to develop our language skills. We communicate and sing in Spanish, Portuguese and sometimes in English, even though we are not necessarily fluent on these languages.
Thus, anyone willing to sing in different languages is very welcome. !Cantemos juntos! Vamos cantar juntos! Let’s sing together!
Membership fee
Become a member
Per term
One meeting per week (10 weeks)
Benefits of membership include:
● Active participation in the creation of the choir’s repertoire
● Participation in performances
● Access to social events (e.g., retreats, monthly gatherings)
● The possibility to access musicianship and vocal technique workshops
Tuesday Nights
By Elizabete Novaes
December, 2021.
Tuesday nights have brought something special; I would say something magical.
Few hours before Tuesday nights, you can hear some whispered sounds or even strong and bold sounds escaping from the lips, escaping from the corners of the mouth… Some tapping fingers on the table or on the steering wheel of the car…
Our shoulders are already looking for a rhythm and our eyes look for something far away. There is not much room for worries or frustrations anymore.
Yes, Tuesday nights have cultivated desires, memories, dreams of a lighter future, and friendships.
It has cultivated voices, rhythms, and emotions. It's been driving a beautiful growth - a small group of smiling and talkative friends who love music, wine and pizza has become a bigger and diverse group, full of talents.
It became the Latin Choir Brisbane.
You see, on Tuesday nights, when it gets dark, hugs inevitably happen. É verdade, quando anoitece, os abraços acontecem.
Then it is almost certain that everyone will start dancing… Yes, começar con much gusto a bailar con un pollito regular, ay ay ay …
After all the enthusiasm with our pollito, the heart races and the feet get out of control when listening to the accordion.
At that moment, listening to the accordion, I have no doubt the angels whisper in our ears, pointing out many signs. Yes, ouvindo a sanfona inundando a sala e nossas almas, eu não duvido, os anjos sussurram em nossos ouvidos, apontandando muitos sinais.
It even seems that we have boarded a time machine which allows us to enjoy some itineraries at any time.
It is possible to contemplate the Brazilian northeastern hinterland with its struggles, but with its strength and hope.
How about visiting Yolanda in Havana receiving the most romantic declarations of love?
We can sing without fear, cantar sin miedo against injustices and send our solidarity to our hermanas latinas.
And why not get sweaty from bailar y vivir en carnaval out there in Cuba, overflowing the joy of our hearts?
Of course, personal memories are always present. I can hear my grandfather's radio and see me sitting barefoot under the guava tree, until my grandmother calls me – menina, passa pra dentro, tá tarde (girl, come in, it's late).
These Tuesdays made us strong enough to produce such a beautiful presentation at a community party. A community party that is so necessary in our times.
Last Sunday we offered for everybody the best of our countries that is stored in our hearts, the best that we insist on remembering, emphasizing, cultivating, and dreaming.
May these nights continue to feed our souls, beautify our lives, and strengthen our connections.
Yes, these nights are special because they are created by us, because we contribute with our ability to enrich experiences, learning processes and encounters. Because we believe in kindness, respect, and shared dreams.
A toast to all members of the choir!
A toast to Tania and Bona, our great conductors - how lucky we are!
A toast to our growth!
A toast to our Latin Choir Brisbane!
About the writer:
Elizabete Novaes is an Australian citizen, born in Brazil, who arrived in Australia in 2009. She is a member of Latin Choir Brisbane since 2020, when the choir was only a group of 6 women and a conductor who were together looking for ways to handle a roller coaster of feelings caused by fears of a Pandemic, and isolations due lockdowns and boarder closure.
By Larissa Rocha Lupi
Cantamos e celebramos a vida com vinho e alegria
Cantamos e honramos nosso passado de derrotas, lutas e vitórias em versos e prosa
Cantamos e clamamos por justiça, igualdade e respeito às diversidades
Cantamos e honramos nossos antepassados ao fazer ecoar suas histórias de dores e amores pela nossa pátria
Cantamos celebrando a diversidade de gênero, cultural e étnicas
Cantamos com esperança de que nosso canto seja propagado e disseminado
Cantamos pelos sentimentos de nostalgia, de pertencimento e alegria de estar em tão boa companhia
Cantamos celebrando nossa pluralidade, através da igualdade, respeito e Amorosidade
Cantamos e vamos continuar a cantar para você inspirar!